Becoming a member

Please contact our Membership Chairman Angela Loavenbruckwith any membership questions or concerns.

Membership in the Club is available to any individual 18 years old or older, or a family, which includes a spouse or domestic partner and any dependent children.  The Club does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, creed, color, origin, age, gender, or sexual orientation.

  • Members are invited to recruit and recommend individuals and families for membership.  Sponsoring members must have known the nominee for at least one year.  Members should not sponsor individuals for business reasons or sponsor members of their own family. 
  • The primary and secondary sponsor letters must be submitted by sponsors who have known the applicant for at least one year. In unique circumstances, the Commodore may alter the one-year’s association provision.
  • Applications for membership will be placed in priority order of time receipt of fully completed paperwork.
  • Completed paperwork will include: 
  • The primary sponsor will assist the candidate in accessing and completing the application and volunteer forms, available on the Club website or from the Membership Chairman, which upon completion will be returned to the primary sponsor.  The candidate and the primary sponsor will identify another RBC member to serve as a secondary sponsor.  Both sponsors will write letters of support describing their relationship with the candidate and describing the qualities and experiences which recommend the candidate for membership in the RBC.
  • The primary sponsor will submit the completed application and both recommendations to the Membership Chairman for review and presentation to the RBC Board of Directors for consideration. The Membership Chairman will prepare a brief summary of each candidate to introduce each candidate to the Board.
  • Following the vote of the Board, the Membership Chairman will send a letter notifying candidates of their acceptance and the placement of their names on the RBC waiting list, or immediate membership if available.  Once admitted to membership, the initiation fee and dues for the current year are due and payable.
  • Sponsors are encouraged to invite new members to RBC, cruising, and social events while they are considering membership or on the waiting list. These visits provide opportunities to emphasize and experience the importance of volunteer support within the RBC.
  • Upon receipt of the successful, fully completed application, the Membership Coordinator shall have sole responsibility to enter the applicant(s) name into the Club’s applicant list database.
  • As Club vacancies arise, the Membership Coordinator will bring forward applicants, in priority order, for consideration at the next Board meeting.
  • Upon acceptance of membership, the Membership Coordinator shall remove the applicants from the applicant list and place them in the initiation member category of the database with notice to the Treasurer or designee who will send the initiation fee and annual dues invoices.

Rockport Boat Club is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization.  PO Box 254, Rockport ME  04856

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